South Canterbury DHB sets up new Covid ward at Timaru Hospital
A Covid-19 ward has been set up at the Timaru Hospital to isolate any patients suspected of having the virus.
South Canterbury District Health Board interim chief executive Jason Power said the special ward meant they were now prepared.
“It is very important to have a separate ward to isolate any suspected Covid-19 patients. The SCDHB has also installed negative airflow into the Covid-19 ward and some areas in ICU (Intensive Car Unit) and the emergency department,” Power said.
The eight bed self-contained ward is fully operational and has a maximum capacity of 12 beds if required, he said.
“The Timaru Hospital have well established infection prevention control protocols and our community can be confident their safety would be paramount as we were work through this pandemic,” Power said.
Power said the only patients to get entry would be known Covid-19 positive patients in the community, known Covid-19 positive patients directly admitted or transferred from MIQ or another DHB and patents assessed by the emergency department and deemed to meet the admission criteria for the ward.
Staff working in the ward will be N95 mask fit tested and fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and the flu.
Cool Air Refrigeration director Regan Koster said his team had completed the negative pressure rooms over the past two and-a-half weeks. The air pressure in the room is lower than the pressure outside.
“It is all operational,” he said.
Koster said the contaminated breath of the patient was caught in specialised filters and did not get recirculated. The exhaled air was cleaned before being dispersed away from the medical facility.
As well as being prepared, Power said South Canterbury was in the final stage of its Covid-19 vaccination rollout.
“Bookings are now open to everyone in New Zealand aged 12 years and over. Vaccinations are completely free and are one of the most powerful tools against Covid-19.”
The mobile vaccination team administered 205 doses in Geraldine on September 8. The mobile clinic will remain in Geraldine until September 12, Power said.
It will then operate in Fairlie from September 15 to 19, and Waimate between September 22 and 26.
“The Waimate Medical Centre are also running a drive through Covid-19 vaccination clinic on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays at the Waimate Medical Centre,” he said.
Vaccinations can be booked for the mobile clinic, the Timaru Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic at Woollcombe House as well as some general practices, pharmacies and Arowhenua Whānau Services in South Canterbury through Facemasks must be worn by those getting vaccinated.
Cool Air supply and install heat pumps throughout Canterbury.